VoteRiders Featured in US.VOTE’s “YES Campaign” Debut
The first question for many voters in America remains a crucial one that can determine their ability to vote, or not. “Can I vote if I don’t have an ID?” is that question, and there’s no better person than Lauren Kunis, CEO of VoteRiders, to answer it.
As Lauren points out in her voter story: “New voter ID laws, most of them more restrictive, are passing at an unprecedented pace across the country. They place very real barriers in front of millions of Americans, but these barriers are not insurmountable! Make sure that voter ID is part of your plan to vote.”
US.VOTE (www.us.vote) launched on Election Day 2023, or as many might view it, the first official day of the 2024 election season. As a new initiative of U.S. Vote Foundation, US.VOTE differentiates itself as a pure voter communications and outreach site. True to its promise, US.VOTE launched with the You’re Eligible Situations – YES Campaign (www.us.vote/yes).
“YES is all about asking the tricky questions that keep voters from the participating. It’s incredible how many of these situations we’ve identified and more keep coming forward. It’s a dynamic campaign that will continue to grow. We pose the questions as ‘Can I vote if….’. We are super excited to have VoteRiders’ as a featured interview right out of the gate,” said Sara Kempner, Strategic Program Manager at U.S. Vote Foundation.
“Lauren is what we call a ‘voting champion’ over here at the YES Campaign,” continued Sara, “She provides actionable information and inspiration necessary to help transform citizens into voters.”
US.VOTE’s collaboration with VoteRiders to overcome Voter ID barriers in the YES Campaign leverages the strengths of each organization. And the synergy of the YES Campaign and VoteRiders continues as ID questions emerge in interviews about voting from college campuses and voting from tribal nations.
As the YES campaign evolves and expands, US.VOTE looks forward to reaching even more citizens through collaborations to increase the accessibility and inclusivity of the American democratic process.