West Virginia

West Virginia asks you to show ID to vote in person. If you don’t have an accepted ID, there is another way to confirm your identity.

Most voters do not need a copy of their ID to vote by mail in West Virginia.

West Virginia ID Requirements for Voting In Person

West Virginia requests ID to vote in person. There are several options for voting without an accepted ID.

Accepted IDs
You can show a photo ID:
Must be unexpired

  • West Virginia driver’s license
  • West Virginia state ID card
  • US passport or passport card
  • Student ID
  • Military identification
  • Employee ID issued by US, West Virginia, or local government
  • West Virginia concealed carry permit

Or you can show:
Must be unexpired or show no expiration date

  • Voter registration card
  • US birth certificate
  • West Virginia hunting or fishing license
  • West Virginia SNAP, Medicaid, or TANF program ID
  • Bank or debit card
  • Utility bill or bank statement (dated within 6 months)
  • Health insurance card


VoteRiders is here to help!
Contact us if you have questions or need free help getting ID.

Frequently Asked Questions

Exception 1. Signed, Sworn Statement by an Adult who has Known You for At Least 6 Months

You do not have to show an ID to vote if you are accompanied by an adult who:

  1. Has known you for at least 6 months;
  2. Shows a photo ID with his or her name and address; and
  3. Signs an affidavit at the polling place confirming your identity.

Exception 2: A Poll Worker Knows You

You do not have to show ID to vote if a poll worker has known you for at least 6 months. No additional affidavit or ID is required.

Exception 3: Residents of State Care Facilities

Residents of licensed WV state care facilities do not have to show ID to vote if:

  1. You are a resident of the care facility;
  2. The care facility is a polling place; and
  3. The resident’s polling place is located at the care facility.

Get in touch with VoteRiders if you have questions or need free help securing ID.

Registered voters in West Virginia need to confirm their identity when they vote in person.

If you do not present a valid ID at the polls and an exception does not apply, you may vote a provisional ballot.

For your ballot to count, the signature on your provisional ballot envelope must match the signature in your voter registration record.

You can also bring an acceptable ID to the polling place before it closes on Election Day.


You can bring an acceptable ID to the municipal clerk by 4:00 pm on the Friday following the election.

You do not need a REAL ID to vote in West Virginia.

Your driver’s license or state ID card will show a star in the upper corner if it meets REAL ID requirements under federal law.

Get in touch with VoteRiders if you have questions or need free help getting ID.

No. The state has not passed any law nor provided any guidance as to whether poll workers and other election officials can rely on an image of your ID on your mobile or other electronic device instead of a physical ID. The same applies if you vote with a provisional ballot and later show an acceptable ID to the municipal clerk.

West Virginia ID Requirements for Voting By Mail

Only certain voters are eligible to vote absentee in West Virginia

Most voters do not need a copy of their ID to vote by mail.

Frequently Asked Questions

You may vote by absentee ballot by mail in West Virginia if: 

  • You will be absent from the county during both the early voting period and Election Day because of personal or business travel or attendance at a college, university or other place of education or training
  • Your employment makes voting in person impossible because of the hours worked and distance from the county seat
  • You are confined to a specific location and prevented from voting in person due to an illness, injury, other medical reason, physical disability, or advanced age
  • You are incarcerated or detained in jail or at home on Election Day, but not under conviction of any felony, of treason, or of bribery (including any period of probation or parole) 
  • You are a participant in the Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) with the Office of the Secretary of State
  • The county absentee voting office and your polling place are inaccessible to you due to your physical disability 
  • You are temporarily residing outside of the county (you must receive ballot at an address outside of the county.)
  • You are serving as an elected or appointed state or federal official (you must receive ballot at an address outside of the county.)

No, unless it is your first time voting in a federal election in West Virginia. A federal election is when you vote for the President, your Congressional Representative or your Senators.

Learn more about federal ID requirements for first-time voters.


If you submit a defective absentee ballot in West Virginia, you will be notified that the ballot will be considered provisional and the reason.

You may submit a corrected ballot, provided that the county clerk’s office receives the ballot by:

  • The day before Election Day, if hand-delivered;
  • The day after Election Day, if mailed without postmark;
  •  The canvass date (i.e., the Monday following Election Day), if postmarked by the USPS by Election Day;
  •  The canvass date (i.e., the Monday following Election Day), if from military or overseas voters.