Pennsylvania Voter Finally Gets ID to Match Gender Identity
By Erin Carden
By Erin Carden
For years, Skyler had to use an ID that didn’t reflect his identity. Although he had legally changed his name and gender marker years ago, bureaucratic barriers kept him from updating his state ID.
Now, at thirty-two years old, he couldn’t wait any longer. He finally secured stable housing with his fiancé in Pennsylvania, and now needed a Pennsylvania state ID to open a new bank account. He also needed an ID to update his health insurance, apply for a medical marijuana card, and exercise his right to vote.
But when Skyler went to Pennsylvania’s Department of Transportation (PennDot) Office, he was turned away. Four times.
“I think the PennDot employee was transphobic,” he explained. “He kept on giving me problems and an attitude. First, he said I had to get a new Social Security Card before I could get my ID. So I did that, but when I came back the second time, he asked for two pieces of mail. When I went back the third time, with two pieces of mail, he said I didn’t bring enough mail—I needed like three or four pieces.”
When Skyler and his fiancé reported the employee’s behavior, all they were told was that they “don’t like trans people.” With no other options for getting his ID, Skyler returned to PennDot for the fourth time with all the required documentation. This time, he finally had everything he needed to secure his ID—except he couldn’t pay for it. According to the PennDot employee, his state ID had to be purchased with a card in his current name—which he didn’t have.
Skyler needed an ID to open a new bank account—but he needed this new bank account to get an ID.
Meanwhile, Skyler’s fiancé secured her Pennsylvania ID almost immediately. Because she had been homeless, she was given a voucher and could use this to cover the cost of her Pennsylvania state ID.
“I tried getting a homeless voucher too,” Skyler explained. “I don’t know why they let her but not me—maybe because she was homeless longer than me. If not, I told them I would have paid for it, but they wouldn’t even let me with the card I had because it didn’t have my current name. How am I supposed to open a new bank account if I can’t get an ID?”
Soon after, Skyler fortunately found a solution through his Central Outreach Wellness Center therapist.
“I brought my ID issue to her attention and she referred me to VoteRiders. She said to contact them and they would help me get my ID. I contacted VoteRiders right after that.”
Skyler was immediately connected to VoteRiders’ Pennsylvania Coordinator, Krystle, who assured Skyler that they would help him get his Pennsylvania state ID. Krystle made Skyler another appointment at the PennDot office, arranged a free ride to take him there, and met him at the appointment. This time, Skyler registered to vote and secured his Pennsylvania State ID.
“I’m just very grateful that VoteRiders helped me,” he said. “Having this ID lifted a lot of weight off of me. I’ve wanted this ID with my current name and gender my whole life…I feel a lot better that I don’t have to worry about dysphoria when I show my old ID—that’s how this helps my mental illness. I’m just really happy.”
If you or someone you know is looking for ID information or assistance, visit our website to learn how we can help.
Erin Carden is VoteRiders’ Digital Communications Coordinator.
November 14, 2024.