New Hampshire

Voter ID in New Hampshire

Changing Your Legal Name

Updating Gender Markers


UPDATED: JUNE 2024/strong>


Voter ID in New Hampshire

New Hampshire is a non-strict voter ID state.

You will be asked to show an acceptable photo ID to confirm your identity when voting in person.

If you do not present an ID that is approved or otherwise verified by an election official, you can execute a challenged voter affidavit and cast your ballot.

Check here for a full rundown of the state’s rules!

To vote absentee in New Hampshire, you need to be a registered voter and unable to go to your polling place for an acceptable reason.

You do not need a copy of your ID to vote by mail in New Hampshire.

Check here for a full rundown of the state’s rules!

Changing Your Legal Name

You must file a formal request with your county’s court to change your name in New Hampshire.

Publishing notice of your name change is generally not required, but this is subject to the court’s discretion.

If the court approves your name change, you will receive a court order that can be used to update the name on your ID documents.

Birth certificate amendments are made through City or Town Clerks in New Hampshire.

Submit a request to update your birth certificate with the city or town clerk where you born.

To change the name on your New Hampshire birth certificate, you will need to provide:

  • completed birth certificate request form
  • certified copy of name-change court order
  • copy of your government-issued photo ID
  • payment of applicable fees

Note: You must update your birth certificate with the state where you were born.

You must visit New Hampshire DMV and update your driver’s license or state ID within thirty (30) days of changing your legal name.

You will need to provide:

  • completed Record Change Request form (PDF)
  • certified copy of name-change court order
  • your current New Hampshire-issued ID

Updating Gender Markers

Birth certificate amendments are made through City or Town Clerks in New Hampshire.

You will need to submit a court order certifying your gender transition and instructing the City or Town Clerk of ______ (where you were born in New Hampshire) to amend the gender marker on your birth certificate to ____ (M/F/X).

To update your New Hampshire birth certificate, you will need to provide:

  • completed birth certificate request form
  • certified copy of court order to amend birth certificate
  • copy of your government-issued photo ID
  • payment of applicable fee(s)

Note: You must update your birth certificate with the state where you were born.

You must make an appointment at the DMV to update the gender marker on your New Hampshire driver’s license or state ID.

Complete a driver’s license application (PDF) check the box for “Replacement,” and indicate “gender change” as the reason.