VoteRiders team members on the ground also celebrated Pride by organizing workshops for LGBTQ+ organizational leaders, allies and community partners. Throughout these events, we demonstrated how our #TransPeopleVote resources can help prepare transgender and nonbinary voters for the upcoming elections, as well as shared other critical voter ID information. At “Vote Con Orgullo,” a Florida-based workshop hosted by All Voting is Local, VoteRiders provided 15 community organizers with voter ID cards and Florida voter ID guides, and participants beefed up their voter ID knowledge with a game of bingo.
We also partnered with the Gender Advancement Project, All Voting Is Local, Human Rights Campaign, and Hope Community Center to host #TransPeopleVote, an event in Florida focused on helping participants petition for legal name changes, order documents, and update their voter registration.
Even though Pride Month has ended, our commitment to Pride and advocating for LGBTQ+ rights is constant. No matter the time of year, VoteRiders is dedicated to raising awareness around the steep and unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+voters, and we will continue working tirelessly to ensure that these communities have the power to make their voices heard. We are eternally grateful for our volunteers and partner organizations who helped make this Pride Month a tremendous success. We simply cannot do this work without you!