More Than A Voter: Michael’s Voter ID Story
October 2018 – DELAND, FLORIDA – Michael Frank met VoteRiders at a Goodwill Job Connection Center Job Fair. He came ready with a social security card and birth certificate and asked if Jazlyn Gallego, our Florida Coordinator, could help him renew his expired ID to vote. Michael had previously registered to vote in New York but was unaware that he had to update his voter registration after moving to Florida.
That same afternoon, Jazlyn arranged an Uber ride for Michael to the DMV. He was not charged for his ID because he did not have a permanent address, but the DMV will charge him when he is able to update his address. Michael expressed how thankful he was that he was able to get all of this done in one day. Now that he has a current photo ID, he will be able to start a new job as an overnight packager.
People in unstable housing or experiencing homelessness can find it very difficult to secure ID if theirs is lost or expired. The costs of transportation and documentation can be substantial, and in addition official documents are often sent via postal mail. Michael was determined to overcome these barriers and with VoteRiders help, he now has what he needs to vote and to get a new job.