Voter ID Info Cards

Pocket-sized guides to what types of IDs are accepted to vote in each state

Cards are available in English and Spanish for all 50 states and DC.


VoteRiders prints and ships physical cards to nonpartisan nonprofit organizations or government offices at no cost. All you need is a plan for distributing the cards to voters. Complete this order form to request cards for your organization.

If you are not affiliated with a nonpartisan nonprofit organization, you are welcome to download and print the cards independently.


How Information Cards Have Been Used 

  • Shared in canvassing and voter registration drives
  • Used to refer voters in need of voter ID assistance to VoteRiders
  • Placed at local businesses like coffee shops
  • Stapled to pizza delivery boxes and added to food assistance packages
  • Provided to voters at the city clerk’s office and DMV
  • Referenced by voters at their polling place when they encounter misinformed poll workers