A Thriving Democracy Is Good For Business
By The National Voter Education Week Steering Committee
OCTOBER 5, 2022 — Companies have traditionally considered the interests of customers, shareholders and employees as distinct. Now, some are breaking down these categories and engaging with their full audience as a united group, with a common interest: voters. And this has never been more important.
In a poll taken last November, 77% of Americans said they consider their employer the most trusted institution in their lives – ahead of the government and media sources. Consumers are prioritizing socially responsible businesses. The upshot: Corporate America has an unprecedented opportunity to support civic engagement in the United States. Voter education specifically provides a unique space for businesses to support their communities’ civic health, and strengthen their relationships with customers and employees in the process.
Through National Voter Education Week, businesses can have a meaningful impact on voter education in their communities by taking part in the weeklong open-source campaign to help voters navigate the midterms with confidence, from registering to vote and learning about voter ID requirements, to understanding the options on their ballot, to actually casting a ballot. For new voters, or voters affected by changes in voting laws, receiving timely, clear information about voting from a trusted source can help to clarify the process and encourage them to turn their intention to vote into action. This kind of corporate outreach also sends a powerful message to their employees and consumers that their voices matter and should be heard.