Florida Voter Finally Gets ID Four Years Later
Mac was holding up a sign outside a McDonald’s when VoteRiders’ Florida Voter ID Coalition Coordinator Jazlyn Gallego approached him. Reading his sign and learning that Mac was houseless, Jazlyn wondered if he was in need of voter ID. She handed him a card that included information on how VoteRiders could help him get one.
People like Mac, without an ID or a permanent address, often can’t access social security benefits and other life-saving services like housing and employment assistance. As it turned out, Mac had spent four and a half years trying to get an ID. It was one of the biggest hurdles he faced on his road to stability.
Learning this, Jazlyn and VoteRiders’ Florida organizer Eli Garcia worked quickly to help Mac secure his long-awaited ID.
“I’m starting to feel like I’m heading in the right direction,” Mac wrote to Eli. “Four and a half years is a long time to get to this point and I owe it all to you and Jazlyn. I was lucky to have her approach me holding a sign outside McDonald’s. God sent me not one but two Angels to guide me back into the light.”
For Jazlyn and Eli, this was a big reminder that sometimes it’s hard to know who needs help, so it’s always worth asking.
VoteRiders is dedicated to fighting for a democracy that serves each and every one of us. With an ID in hand, Mac can now access essential services and exercise his freedom to vote.